Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What's All The Buzz About Social Media

As a participant in social media, whether it's Twitter, Google+, or Facebook, I often ask myself, what's all the buzz about social media. As a photographer I mainly use Twitter and Google+, so I only gathered some facts about these two platforms. Facebook, Linkedin, Stipple, Pinterest and several other social media sites are worth a look.

The purpose of this blog is informational only. Here are some interesting facts to generate discussion; or  just to get you thinking. 

(Disclaimer: It appears the sources I cite are reputable and may be a little dated, but I'm sure they are not too far off the mark).


- In the U.S. there are over 140 million users, Hong Kong is the fastest growing, and in the U.K. there are over 10 million users.
(Source: Media Bistro and Infographics).

- 69 % of tweets are suggested by friends, whereas 47% are on line searches.
(Source: Web Analytics World).

- The average user follows or is followed by 51 people. 16% have no followers, no tweets, and no friends.
(Source: Diego Basch Blog).

Google +
- Web sites using the 1+ button generate 3.5 times the visits than those without the button.
(Source: Hub Spot).

- Google + users average 12 minutes per day per visit.
(Source: Jeff Bullas).

-Google + is used primarily by college students and software developers. 63% are men.
(Source: Remcolandia).


albina N muro said...

The big buzz on the Internet is all about social media, especially with the social media giant Facebook and now Google entering the field with Google Plus. how to get a lot of instagram followers fast and free

Danny B said...

Albina N muro, you are correct social media is a big part of business.